Dual Element Universe

'Everyone knew it was impossible, until a fool who didn't know came along and did it.'


You can find and access my work by clicking below. They are constantly updated and amanded.

The first two letters of the document title indicate the language of the document. The 'short' version is a two-page summary of the hypothesis.

If you think you found an error in one of the documents or you think the translation in one of the languages is incorrect, please let me know by contacting me.

Other Publications

In this section you can find my other work that is relevant to the base Duel Element Universe hypothesis.

Thank you to those, who supported me with their donations so that I could spend as much time as possible to develop my hypothesis. If you want to support me, I thank you too, and you can do it here.

Thank you to those, who helped me in my work with opinions and criticism. If you have an opinion or critique related to my hypothesis, or just want to ask questions, we can discuss it here.

Thanks to those, who helped me in any other ways.

    Peter, my big son

    who pushed me onto the rugged road of creating the hypothesis

    David, my little son

    who with his smile gives me enough stamina to do my work, every day

    Agnes, my wife

    who with her loving care and patience facilitates me to focus on my hypothesis